Saturday 13 April 2013

D.I.Y: Colourful Bangle

Hi guys !
What's up? It's a bit hard for me to update my blog. I'm busy because of school task. T__T My laptop keyboard is not functioning too. So, I need to use this ON-SCREEN KEYBOARD. Wish to have a new laptop.
Another DIY post. Ngehehe. COLOURFUL BANGLE. It's very easy & fun to make. Let me show you how to make it.

This is my bangle. xD


A knife or scissors..

Wool threads..More than 1 colour..To make it colourful..

A plastic bottle..


How to do it...?

1. Cut the bottle into 3 cm long..

2. Next, cover the bottle with the cotton thread by coiling it around.

 3. Glue it..

4. Lastly, repeat step 2 & 3 until the bottle is fully covered.

 You're done !! :)

This is mine.. ^__^

My bangle.. <3

It's easy, right..?? If you make it show it to me. ^__^
Thanks for reading..

1 comment:

  1. so cute!!! =)

